This has been the weekend of free food. First my roommates and I made a clean sweep of grocery bingo, then I visited Dan and his wonderfully kind mom gifted me with tea and dessert for the road, and finally tonight my apartment gave its residents free pizza. Hooray for free food!
Today I drove to northern Illinois to visit Dan. We spent some time critiquing the disability narrative of this children's novel at the library because, where else do you take a future librarian? :D
Thank you to the faculty in my department for having a fancy party and leaving behind this dragon fruit. Thank you to the catering people for saying I could take it home. Thank you to myself for the good decision to eat it for a late night snack.
This morning one of my classes took a field trip to the Spurlock Museum. There I saw this necklace made of beetle wings. It was disturbing, but also a clever use of beetle wings.
When my cat is misbehaving (read: biting my ankles) I just crush her until she whines and runs away to find something else to do. I will pretend this is good parenting.
Lesson for today: Don't ignore your cat. What you think is grumbly meowing might actually mean she has locked herself in the bathroom. She will then proceed to console herself by destroying sheets of toilet paper to count the minutes that go by. Later, when you have to pee, you will disturb the bathtub nap that she has resigned herself to after giving up all hope of rescue. She will express her trauma through nuzzles and slow blinks as her eyes adjust to light.
Jacob's birthday is this Wednesday, but his birthday party was today. His party theme was "Outside" and so the backyard was swarmed by little boys. The activities he picked out went over well and they all seemed to have had a great time.
For yesterday, when Alexandria gave me a tour of her home and we spent the last time together that we will spend for some time. I will miss you very much.